Michio Kaku on Quantum Computing and AI Chat-bots

Last updated: May 6, 2023

Quantum computing and AI chat-bots are two technological advances that are changing the world. Quantum computing is all about hardware, while AI chat-bots are software. When combined, these technologies can create powerful and useful tools.

Chat-bots are AI programs that can search the internet for answers to questions. In fact, some are so good that they can diagnose certain diseases based on symptoms and blood work.

However, chat-bots can also be used to plagiarize and spread false information, making them a potential danger. On the other hand, quantum computers can fact check and weed out incorrect information, potentially changing the way we view reality and interact with others.

  • Quantum computing and AI chat-bots can create a powerful technological alliance
  • Chat-bots are AI programs that can search the internet for answers to questions and even plagiarize
  • Quantum computers can fact check and weed out incorrect information
  • These technologies can change the way we view reality and interact with each other
  • Chat-bots have the potential to spread false information and be a danger
  • Objective fact-checking through quantum computing can be a huge improvement

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Quantum Computing and AI Chat-bots 00:00

  • Quantum computing is a hardware question while AI chat-bots are a software question.
  • The two of them together can lead to an extremely powerful alliance between software and hardware.
  • Chat-bots are revolutionizing software while quantum computers are revolutionizing hardware.
  • When they get together, we're looking at an extremely powerful combination.
  • Chat-bots are an AI program that essentially scours the entire internet for answers to questions.
  • The chat-bot, GPT gbt, is so good at finding answers that people are getting diagnosed with certain diseases based on symptoms and blood work with super accuracy.
  • It can even fill out legal papers and forms.

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Chat-bots and Plagiarism 00:15

  • Chat-bots, such as GPT gbt, essentially homogenize different kinds of essays on the web, splice them together, and then pass it off as your latest creation.
  • They are prone to plagiarism and can be gamed.
  • Chat-bots do not know what is correct or incorrect, they just gather information.
  • They cannot discern what's accurate exactly because they are machines that simply homogenize existing information.

The Danger of Chat-bots 00:45

  • Chat-bots are dangerous because they can incorporate teenagers' ranting and raving about all sorts of garbage and put that in with articles that sound reasonable.
  • They are machines that cannot tell the difference between false and true.
  • Chat-bots can give the incorrect understanding of what's happening in the world and politics.
  • Fabricating truth is possible because chat-bots cannot tell the difference between false and true.

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Quantum Computers as Fact Checkers 04:24

  • Quantum computers can act as a fact-checker.
  • You can ask a quantum computer to remove all the garbage and nonsense in articles and it'll do that.
  • Quantum computers can discern what's real and not.
  • It can give you the detailed understanding of what could be misconstrued, what is partially correct, and what is misleading but partially correct.
  • The hardware may be a check on some statements made by software.

Objective Fact Checker 06:42

  • If you can get an objectively accurate fact-checker that would be a huge step up from what we have today.
  • Twitter is trying to do this using community notes.
  • A lot of people have very little faith in certain fact-checkers because they are ideologically or governmentally biased.
  • If you could have something that could just tell you objectively whether a statement is correct or incorrect, that would be a huge improvement.

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The potential of chatbots and quantum computing 07:05

  • Chatbots lack understanding of correct and incorrect information
  • Quantum computing has the potential to automatically fact-check and correct incorrect information
  • Quantum computing can be used to survey the entire landscape of written information and provide reasonable rebuttals to outrageous statements
  • It can change how we interact with each other by eliminating language barriers
  • Correct ideas emerge from the struggle between ideas, and quantum computing can help with fact-checking to ensure the emergence of correct ideas

The importance of fact-checking in quantum computing 10:08

  • Fact-checking is important to prevent politicians from getting involved and creating a mess
  • The industry should fact-check by itself rather than having politicians do it
  • The bad ideas have to exist so that good ideas can triumph, and this is an argument against censorship on the internet

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The potential of quantum computing to navigate wormholes 11:12

  • Quantum computers are the ultimate computers because they compute on atoms
  • Aliens probably have had centuries of experience with quantum computers since they are the ultimate computer
  • Quantum computers allow us to calculate things that are beyond our ability to calculate today, like going through a wormhole or warp drive
  • Quantum computers compute in parallel universes, which is why they are so powerful
  • The idea of multiverse comes from quantum physics, and the electrons that are in this microphone dance between universes at the atomic level

The potential of quantum computing to change our perception of reality 12:22

  • Quantum computing introduces a whole new way of looking at reality
  • It has the potential to calculate things that are way beyond our ability to calculate today
  • Electrons can be in multiple places at the same time, and this concept allows us to have lasers, transistors, internet and conversations like this one
  • Quantum computing can change how we interact with the universe and eliminate language barriers
  • It can change how we view each other and eliminate the perception of others being different because of language barriers or living in a different part of the planet

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